Dogs fly to Chicago from South Korea to escape being eaten

Dogs fly to Chicago from South Korea to escape being eaten

Chicago, Ill- Ten dogs arrived in Chicago via the O'Hare airport in the early hours of Sunday morning, before dawn, February 5, 2017. These dogs were a part of the South Korea dog meat trade, and until their rescue were destined for a short life- ...

Chicago, Ill- Ten dogs arrived in Chicago via the O’Hare airport in the early hours of Sunday morning, before dawn, February 5, 2017. These dogs were a part of the South Korea dog meat trade, and until their rescue were destined for a short life- suddenly ended in slaughter.

In a fortunate twist of circumstances, these ten dogs flew about 6,500 miles from the fate of South Korea dog meat, to the loving arms of rescuers who will see to it they live out their lives in warm and caring homes.

According to the Animal Welfare Institute, “2 million dogs are purported to be killed for food every year in South Korea, and over 100,000 metric tons of dog meat are consumed annually.”

“Dog meat farms are scattered throughout the countryside, and the industry has been estimated to be worth over US$200 million.[3] The farms primarily raise a type of large, yellow, mixed-breed dog common to South Korea. These are not the only dogs eaten, however—despite claims by some supporters of the industry. Unfortunately, the abandonment of pets is common in South Korea, and small, purebred dogs fall victim to the dog meat trade, as well, after they are unceremoniously dumped into the streets by owners who have grown tired of them. Such abandoned dogs are picked up by a collector, stuffed into tiny wire cages filled to capacity with other such dogs, and taken to Moran market (the largest dog meat market in the nation) and other smaller markets around the country to be slaughtered.”

Who is behind this whirlwind-international rescue effort? The Humane Society International and Chicago based Magnificent Mutts along with a number of their dedicated volunteers are to thank.

Magnificent Mutts & Meows Rescue’s founder, Linda Latelle, and Humane Society International have rescued thousands of dogs from all over the world. These special arrivals via Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport have been transported to Elmhurst Animal Care Center, and will then go to foster homes where they can begin to learn a life outside of a cage. After that, they will enter into loving forever homes through a carefully vetted adoption process.



National Dog Scene