Obesity epidemic affects U.S. Pets

An unhealthy lifestyle including poor diet and lack of exercise are obvious contributing factors to obesity in pets and people alike, but there is more. It is estimated that 58% of cats and 54% of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese.

According to CNN’s interview with Ernie Ward, founder of The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, “A central part of the problem… is the growing “fat pet gap:” More and more owners are unaware their pets are overweight. The study found that 22% of dog owners and 15% of cat owners characterized their pets as normal weight when the animals were actually overweight or obese.”

What can you do to protect your dog from obesity?

Take the APOP pet obesity survey and consult their resources, ensure a healthy diet for your dog by consulting your veterinarian about proper nutrition, as the quality and ingredients of food and treats can also affect healthy digestion and weight.

National Dog Scene